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[TRNSYS-users] Problem with radiative Heater (in Heating Type Manager of PREBID)

Dear Trnsys-User,
hello Solar Energy Lab,
this is Florian from the University of Stuttgart. Right now I'm working at
my diploma thesis using TRNSYS and a problem occured we were not able to
solve. I hope that you might have a solution or an idea how to fix it.
In PREBID I'm using the Heating Type Manager (Ideal Heater) with limited
power to heat a room to a certain temperature (20°C). So far I was only
using convective heat, means the radiative part of the heating power was
equal to zero. In this case everything was fine and i didn't have any
problems running the simulation. However, when i changed the radiative part
of the heating power to any value (0.000001 to 0.99), the simulation stops
at the very first timestep showing an error message that the pane
temperature of the zone window is out of bounds. This happens with any
radiative part of the heating power (except 0), no matter how big the
heating power or the radiative part actually is. 
We varied many parameters (heating power, radiative part, window type)
always getting the same error message. It would be great if you had an idea
how to fix that or if you could identify the problem. Thank you very much in
I attached the files I used in case you have time to have a look at them
(PREBID files, DCK file, LIB file...).
Thanks again and kind regards,
Florian (Keppler) 

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Attachment: W4-LIBD.DAT
Description: Binary data

Attachment: EnEVS60I.bui
Description: Binary data

Attachment: EnEVS60I.inf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: EnEVS60I.trn
Description: Binary data

Attachment: test.dck
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Try05.DAT
Description: Binary data

Attachment: EnEVS60I.bld
Description: Binary data

Attachment: test.lst
Description: Binary data