Component 409: Temperature Sensor by HVACSIM+ General Description Temperature sensors are modeled by a simple first-order differential equation with a single time constant. The input to the component is modified using a gain and an offset supplied as parameters, allowing the output to be treated as a voltage level, a control signal, or a temperature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius. If a Celsius temperature output is desired, an offset of zero and a gain of one are used. If a control variable between zero and one is required for use as a controller input, the offset is the minimum allowable temperature and the gain is the maximum allowable temperature minus the minimum temperature. Nomenclature Ci - temperature input modified by gain and offset Co - output signal (e.g. sensed temperature) Ti - temperature input Tg - gain To - offset DeltaT - time step Toll - time constant Mathematical Description Ci = (Ti - To)/Tg d(Co)/dt = (Ci - Co)/Toll If the time constant, Toll, is greater than or equal to one second, the differential equation is solved outside the subroutine by the MODSIM, the main HVACSIM+ program, differential equation solver. If Toll is less than one second, the differential equation is solved within the subroutine: IF (Toll/DeltaT) < 0.05 OR | Ci - Co- | < 10^(-10) THEN Co = Ci ELSE Co = Ci - (Ci - Co-)*exp(-DeltaT/Toll) where Co- is the value of Co one time step ago. Component 409 Configuration Inputs Description 1 Ti - temperature input 2 Co - temperature sensor output Outputs Description 1 Co - temperature sensor output Parameters Description 1 Toll - temperature sensor time constant 2 To - offset 3 Tg - gain Reference: 1. HVACSIM+ Building Systems and Equipment Simulation Program Reference Manual (NBSIR 84-2996) Daniel R. Clark United States Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-0001