Hybrid Liquid Desicant Cooling System by F. Sick, 1986 This component models a general liquid dessicant system. Precooled desiccant solution flows counter-currently to the air stream through the conditioner where it absorbs water vapor and cools down the air only to the desired set temperature. The water taken from the air goes into the liquid desiccant solution. In order to maintain its concentration, the salt solution is pumped to a regenerator. The process in the regenerator is reverse of that in the conditioner. Return air from the building absorbs water from the preheated solution which becomes more concentrated and is pumped back to the conditioner. The conditioner and the regenerator are connected by a heat exchanger (interchanger). The hot solution leaving the regenerator heats up the cooler desiccant coming from the conditioner. Thus, the solution entering the conditioner cycle is precooled, while the solution flow to the regenerator is preheated. This component is similar to the one at the science museum in Richmond, VA. REF: "Analysis of the Seasonal Performance of Hybrid Desiccant Cooling Systems" Sick F.; M.S. Thesis, 1986