TRNSYS Hydronics Components

Component Descriptions and Fortran Code

501 Steam Pipe (F. Drake)

502 Contaminant Transport (E. Knoespel)

503 Centrifugal Fan (J. Eckstein)

504 Centifugal Pump (J. Eckstein)

505 Conduit (Duct or Pipe) from HVACSIM+

506 Damper or Valve from HVACSIM+

507 Fan or Pump from HVACSIM+

508 Flow Merge from HVACSIM+

509 Flow Split from HVACSIM+

510 'Grounded' Water or Air Split from HVACSIM+

511 Inlet Conduit (Duct or Pipe) from HVACSIM+

512 Linear Valve with Pneumatic Actuator from HVACSIM+

513 Mixing Dampers and Merge from HVACSIM+

514 Plenum from HVACSIM+

515 Three-Way Valve with Actuator from HVACSIM+