208 Sensible Heat Exchanger in Heating Mode This component calculates the effectiveness and outlet conditions of a sensible heat exchanger operating in the heating mode. In operating conditions without excess water, the regenerator is operated at a rotation speed such that the maximum temperature effectivenesses, which is only a function of the number of transfer units, is achieved. The humidity effectiveness is zero as long as the exhaust stream does not cross the saturation curve. In conditions where there is condensation but no excess water, the temperature effectiveness is at its maximum and the exhaust outlet is on the saturation curve. In this case all the condensated water evaporates into the supply stream. If there is a risk of excess water, the rotation speed is lowered to avoid condensation in the exhaust stream. In that case the exhaust outlet state is at the dew point of the exhaust inlet. For the definition of excess water and the exact equations, see Stiesch [1]. The sensible heat exchanger is controlled such that it operates only between 6 AM and 9 PM and then only if the outdoor temperature is below 18C. The module requires a weather generator and a psychrometric conversion module. Parameters (4): 1 Tei: Exhaust Inlet (Indoor) Temperature 2 wei: Exhaust Inlet (Indoor) Humidity Ratio 3 mfsup: Mass Flow Rate of Supply Air Stream 4 NTU: Number of Transfer Units Between Air and Matrix Inputs (2): 1 Tsi: Supply Inlet (Outdoor) Temperature 2 wsi: Supply Inlet (Outdoor) Humidity Ratio Outputs (12): 1 Tso Supply Outlet Temperature 2 wso Supply Outlet Humidity Ratio 3 Teo Exhaust Outlet Temperature 4 weo Exhaust Outlet Humidity Ratio 5 di Enthalpy Difference between Supply In- and Outlet 6 Qrec Recovered Energy Rate (Sensible + Latent Energy) 7 Et Effectiveness for Temperature Transfer 8 Ew Effectiveness for Humidity Transfer 9 Ei Effectiveness for Enthalpy Transfer 10 Gamma Dimensionless Rotation Speed ("Matrix Flow Rate" to Air Flow Rate) 11 Qrecsens Recovered Energy Rate (Sensible Energy Only) 12 hr Period of Actual Operation Reference: 1 Stiesch, G., Performance of Rotary Enthalpy Exchangers, M.S. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 1994