Development of an integrated dynamic thermal bridging assessment environment

Ben-Nakhi, A.E.
May 2003

Energy and Buildings, vol 35-4, p. 375-382

Accurate thermal bridging assessment is becoming more important not only to predict the peak thermal load and the year round heat flow, but also to estimate the potential for condensation and mould growth in the heating season. This paper presents a new dynamic thermal bridging assessment module that is integrated within a state-of-the-art, whole building simulation environment in order to have more realistic boundary conditions. It integrates all inter-related energy subsystems that occur in buildings. From another point of view, it is a variable resolution whole building simulation program that allows efficient assessment of thermal bridging. In order to encourage its employment, the integrated environment had undergone rigorous validation tests and was furnished with a user-friendly interface and other user-friendly features, such as the online help and exemplars.
