Technical note Best connection scheme of collector modules of thermosyphon solar water heater operated at high temperatures

Shariah, A.; Dajeh, D.; Malhi, N.
August 1999

Renewable Energy, vol 17-4, p. 573-586

Large scale thermosyphon solar water heater for high temperature applications is simulated by the use of the Transient Simulation Program (TRNSYS). A daily hot water load of 1500 l/day and 2500 l/day at 80°C was assumed. The hot water is consumed daily from 08·00–17·00 h. A back-up electric auxiliary heater was added to the system in two schemes: first, located inside the storage tank with a thermostat; second, outside the tank connected to the heating system between the tank and the facilities. The collector modules were connected in five different schemes: first, all collectors were connected in series in one line, or collectors were connected in two, three, four or five parallel lines each consisting of many collectors. The results showed that the best connection is when the 20 collectors, comprising the system, are connected in two parallel lines each consisting of 10 collectors. It was found that the monthly and yearly useful energy from the system was higher when the auxiliary water heater was added to the system outside the storage tank.
