Finite Element Analysis Program
FEHT provides an environment for solving complex
two-dimensional problems in heat transfer, electric currents,
electrostatics, magnetostatics, potential flow, and bio-heat
transfer using finite element techniques. The program provides an
intuitive graphical interface for problem definition and output
which a novice can quickly master. FEHT is designed for both
instruction and the practicing engineer.
- Operates on all Macintosh computers
- Supports color and math-coprocessor
- MacDraw(tm) - type graphical problem definition
- Zoom and drawing template import features
- Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates
- English and SI units
- Steady-state and transient problems
- Triangular finite elements
- Automatic mesh reduction
- Time-dependent boundary conditions
- Potential (e.g., temperature) dependent BC's
- Time, potential and position dependent properties
- Graphical output (e.g., contours, flux, flow)
- Numerical output option
- Up to 1500 nodes
- Extremely fast execution
- Presentation-quality output
Click here
to get more information, ordering information and downloadable
demonstrations for FEHT.