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Mysterious stops

Dear TRNSYS-users,

I have got a problem. My model system, which includes a cooling tower model
(self written, not the same model as TYPE 51), the room model TYPE 19 with
some other self written models (cooling panel, pumps, control valves and so
on) stops mysteriously in the middle of selected period (e.g. whole year,
8760 hrs) without any error messages. I use the TYPE 65 online plotter
which shows me the point of time which is under calculation and the
calculated events as function of time. Suddenly the program only stops; the
number of hours stops to increase, there is no error messages on the screen
or in the list file.

If I vary some parameters or input values the program may run over the
previous stopping point but it will stop earlier or later.

Has anyone had this kind of problem? If you have, could you tell me how to
solve it? What can be wrong in my systems? I suppose that the bug is in my
own models. Some weeks ago my system ran quite well but then I made a
simple heat pump model which I connected between the building and cooling
tower models and the problems occurred again. The calculation will stop
even if the heat pump model doesn't be active, I mean that it lets the
inlet and outlet water temperatures be same before and after the heat pump.

Kind Regards

Mikko Suokas