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Re: Batch-files?

Hi  Mikko,


trnsys32  filename1.dck /n
trnsys32  filename2.dck /n

then it should work - see manual for more details


Mikko Suokas wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> Has anybody tried to use batch-files in order to run several simulations
> consecutively, e.g. during night time? If this were possible it would make
> my working much more effective: I'll make a list of simulations to the
> batch file, start them and handle results tomorrow, without need to waste
> time by waiting results.
> I found it possible to start one simulation through the DOS-prompt by
> typing following line:
> trnsys32 [path]\file.dck
> When the simulation is over, a Windows button with text "Continue" appears
> in the screen and it has to be clicked with mouse. I have not yet found any
> way to do it from the DOS window.
> So, how to run several simulation runs with only one command? My TRNSYS
> version is 14.2 for Windows.
> Kind Regards,
> Mikko Suokas


           Alexander Knirsch


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