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Re: How to numbering a component

Dear TRNSYS users:

I used the TRNSYS 14.2 before and now I am trying to use the new version of
TRNSYS 15 . I met some problems and expect someone could give me some

When I was using TRNSYS14.2, I used MAKTRN32.bat to build the TRNSYS DLL. It
was no prblem. But when I am tring to use ALLTRN32.bat to build the TRNSYS
DLL of Trnsys15, a error comes out : Link: fatal error LNK1104:can't open
file "DFwin.LiB", such that I could not build the TRNSYS DLL successfully.
I guess the modeules of DFwin.mod and DFlib.mod can't be found. Could you
please tell me where I could find these two modules and  successfully build
The TRNSYS DLL for TRNSYS 15 when my FORTRAN compiller is MS Powerstation

Thanks in advance.

 Best wishes

Yunting GE

Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Brunel University