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Re: U tube ground heat exchanger


may be you need this "non-standard" TYPE

TRNSYS Type 251
Vertical Borehole Heat Exchanger
EWS Model
Version 2.4
Model description and implementing into TRNSYS

If you need more information download the (english) Doc file from
our homepage
(you need to go to "service" and then "zusatzmodule"


Pedro Roth wrote:

> Hello friends,
> can somebody help me? We are trying to simulate a borehole U tube heat
> exchanger. Is there a Trnsys module available and how is it to be combined
> with the program.
> Thanks in advance
> Pedro


           Alexander Knirsch


       Konzepte f|r energie-    Strategies for energy efficient
       effizientes Bauen und    design and thermal
   Nutzerkomfort in Gebduden    comfort in buildings

              Curiestrasse 2
           D-70563 Stuttgart
    phone: ++49-711-67976-23
      fax: ++49-711-67976-11
