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Re: pebble bed parameters

In a recent study on a pebble bed on the University of Wisconsin campus, we
used the following values
rock specific heat: 840 J/kg
rock density: 3720 kg/m^3 with an estimated void fraction of 0.43 which
gave an effective rock density of 1600 kg/m^3
effective thermal conductivity in the axial direction: 0.5 kJ/hr-m-C
the rock in our pebble bed is 3.84 cm screened river rock which tends to be
rounder than crushed gravel. The effective density of your rock might be
higher due to a lower void fraction.
I hope that this helps.

At 02:14 PM 8/17/00 -0300, you wrote:
>Hello everybody,
>I'm looking for the following parameters to use in a simulation of a
>pebble bed. 
>- specific heat of rock
>- apparent density of the rock bed
>- effective thermal conductivity
>My bed uses crushed granite with equivalent diameter between 15 to 30
>milimeters (1/2" to 1").
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