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Re: No stationary state

	The "no stationary state" error is generated when the trnsys equation
solving engine cannot converge on a solution during a timestep. On looking
at your deck, I noticed that you chose the "new control strategy." This
control strategy should only be used with SOLVER 1. As you are correctly
using SOLVER 0 in your simulation, you need to enter an NSTK value of 5 or
7. This value will "stick" the controller after a certain number of
iterations within a single timestep and prevent it from falling into a
situation in which it can't find a stable solution. 

At 05:28 PM 12/18/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Trnsys users,
>I have a simple model of a SDHW-system, with a Type 2 controller.  When
>I run the simulation, I get the message that at several times 'There is
>no stationary state ...'.  I have noticed that this occurs always when
>(for the controller) deltaT > deltaTH or deltaT < deltaTL and when
>gamma-i is different from gamma-o, so this is when de pump switches on
>or off.  I am probably doing something simple wrong, but I have no idea
>Thanks very much,
>Maarten Sourbron		
>Onderzoeksgroep Milieu & Energie
>De Nayer Instituut
>Jan De Nayerlaan 5
>B-2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
>Tel: +32 (015) 31.69.44
>Fax: +32 (015) 31.74.53
>E-mail: mso@denayer.wenk.be
1500 Engineering Drive		ph: +1 608 263 1589
Madison, WI				fax: +1 608 262 8464
URL: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys