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RE: calling trnsys functions (Command line instructions)

Karin (and all TRNSYS users),

Both TRNSYS and PreBid can be called from the Windows command prompt.
If TRNSYS is installed in C:\Trnsys15 and you want to run a deck called MyDeckFile.dck which is in X:\MyFolder, the command line is:

"C:\Trnsys15\Trnsys.exe" "X:\MyFolder\MyDeckFile.dck"

If you don't want to have to click on "Yes-No" at the end of each simulation, you can use the /n switch. The command line is:

"C:\Trnsys15\Trnsys.exe" "X:\MyFolder\MyDeckFile.dck" /n

Note that it is better to change the current folder to X:\MyFolder prior to calling Trnsys. This way you will be able to use relative paths in the deck file.

Prebid can also be run from the command prompt. 
First, you have to rename Prebid.exe to Bid.exe. 
Then, if TRNSYS is installed in C:\Trnsys15 and you want to process a BUI file called MyBuilding.bui in X:\MyFolder, the command line is:

"C:\Trnsys15\Prebid\Bid.exe" "X:\MyFolder\MyBuilding.bui"

This will create the Bld, Trn and Inf files.

The standard TRNSYS user agreement does not allow you to distribute TRNSYS within another application (as you might intend to do with the pre- and post- processing program). 
If you wish to do so, you have to contact your distributor in order to get a special TRNSYS license.


Michael Kummert


Michael Kummert

Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison
1303 Engr Res Bldg
1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Phone: +1 (608) 263-1589
Fax: +1(608) 262-8464
E-mail: kummert@sel.me.wisc.edu
SEL Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu
TRNSYS Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys

 -----Original Message-----
From: owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu [mailto:owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu]On Behalf Of Karin Maria Chvatal
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 13:17
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Subject: calling trnsys functions

  Dear all,

  I am creating a C++ program wich makes pre and pos processing, for building simulation.

  How could I call trnsys's functions in order to:
  1. Generate transfer function coefficient's file? 
  2. Run trnsys?

  What are the parameters for these functions?

  Could anyone give me an example?


  kind regards,

  Karin Maria Chvatal
  p.h.d student
  Mechanical Engineering Institute
  University of Porto.Portugal.