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Re: Creating new windows


yes you can but you need the WINDOW Program from Berkely.
Also what you can do is use an additional resistance like an external shading
which you use during night time with an higher resistance. Also you can
use the WINDOW id number in PREBID as an INPUT

eg. instad of WINID=2001 e.g.

WINID=1*INPUT ......

and in the dck file you can switch from one window to the other.



Ashvini Kumar wrote:

> Dear TRNSYS Users,
> Can someone tell me how to create new window systems
> for TRNSYS 15?
> The window systems available in the standard package
> are very different from the ones attached to the house
> I am trying to simulate.  Is it possible to create a
> new window having different U-values for day and
> night?
> Thanks,
> Ashvini
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