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Re: European weather data


in Europe weather data is expensive, so normally you won't get it. I do have
some which you need
but I'm not satisfied with Stockholm data. Rome I think is Ok.

Do you need the PHD work now from Karel? I didn't get any response from you.


The data contains:
 D  M  H    Bh     Dh    Ta    FF    RH
 -  -  -   W/m2   W/m2   0C    m/s   %

D = day
M= Month
H= hour

Bh= Beaam radiation  horizontal
Dh diffus radiation  horizontal
Ta = ambient temperatur
ff = wind speed
rh rel. hum.

Here TYPE 9 to read the data

UNIT 1   TYPE 9  Data Reader for Meteonorm Weather Data Format *.dat
*         !!! -4 = Nate's -nderung dass |ber die ersten zwei Header-Zeilen
gelesen wird
*  Number of values to be read from the data file
*       Data file time interval
*       Interp   Mult factor     Add fact
         -1           3.6         0
         -2           3.6         0
          3           1           0
          4           1           0
          5           1           0
*       File logical unit #
*       Format indicator. (> 0 specifies formatted reading)

Nathan Blair wrote:

> To: TRNSYS email list
> From: Nate Blair
> I am looking for hourly weather data for the following cities:
> Stockholm Sweden
> London England
> Rome Italy
> Does anyone have a website or general location for getting European hourly
> weather data for use with TRNSYS?
> Thanks,
> Nate
> Nathan Blair
> Project Engineer
> Thermal Energy System Specialists
> 5610 Medical Circle Suite 31       Phone: 608-274-2577
> Madison  WI  53719 USA             FAX:   608-278-1475
> http://www.tess-inc.com/           blair@tess-inc.com
> "I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry."
>                               - Garth Brooks

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*  Alexander Knirsch                                                  *
*  TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik GmbH      Tel.: 49 711 67976-23          *
*  Nobelstr. 15                        Fax.: 49 711 67976-11          *
*  70569 Stuttgart                     Mailto:knirsch@transsolar.com  *
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