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air-to-earth heat exchanger

Dear TRNSYS users,

If you should deal with earth channel systems, we inform that we developped
a TRNSYS model for (moist) air-to-earth heat exchangers (earth channels),
that we validated so far on three real scale installations.

The modeled system consists of a series of parallel tubes within a
rectangular block of soil, swept by a flow of humid air. Flexible geometry
allows for inhomogenous soils, diverse border conditions, description of
surrounding soil, as well as use of symetries or pattern repetitions
(run-time economy). Direction of the airflow can be controled
(stratification in case of heat storage). Energy and mass balance within the
tubes account for sensible as well as latent heat exchanges between airflux
and tubes, frictional losses, diffusion into surrounding soil
(3-dimensional), as well as water infiltration and flow along the tubes.
Extension for use of water instead of air is planed, but not implemented yet.

If you should be interested in this model, I can e-mail you a compressed
WORD file (740 kB) with model description, validation and user manual
(Please contact me directly at pierre.hollmuller@cuepe.unige.ch).


Pierre Hollmuller
Pierre Hollmuller
CUEPE (Centre d'etude des problemes de l'energie)
Universite de Geneve
19, av. de la Jonction
CH - 1205 Geneve

tel: (+41) 22 / 705 7389 (direct)
     (+41) 22 / 705 7230 (secretariat)
fax: (+41) 22 / 705 7200
e-mail: pierre.hollmuller@cuepe.unige.ch