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type 19

hello everybody,
I'm doing  a simulation of a building using type 19 single zone. I want to
simulate few walls modeled by myself and I calculated their heat transfer
coefficients with the prep program. 
What happens is that if the b's coefficient are quite large (>36 SI
units)the simulation terminates in mathematical errors or it gives
impossible values(like zone temperature of 50 degrees in January). I tried
to arbitrarily decrease the value of those coefficients (leaving unchanged
their sum) and the simulation run well! The prep program calculates well the
b's coefficient 'cause I compared them with some example in the manual. has
anyone ever face same problem or have some advice?

Also I'd like to know the composition of the walls whose coefficient are in
the file ashrae.cof.
Unfortunately I can't have the ashrae handbook of fundamentals 1981 or 1977
from which the coefficients in the file are taken from. I'd be very grateful
if someone could send me the table 28 and 29 chap 26 Ashrae Fundamentals
1981 or the table 26, 27,29 chap 25 Asrae Fundamentals 1977 to me by e-mail.

thanks a lot
Fabio Bonazzi 
P.zza di P.ta S.Mamolo n.5
40136 Bologna
E-Mail  va12159iperbole.bologna.it