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RE: simple heat pump

Heat pump models are available through the TESS-library.
We have very good experience with these models.

Ronny Glöckner - Research Scientist, PhD  tlf(w) +47 63 80 61 68
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)   (p)      +47 22 65 16 33
Instituttveien 18                       (mob)  +47 96 61 85 88
P.O. Box 40                             fax(w) +47 63 81 29 05
N-2027 KJELLER                          e-mail ronnyg@ife.no

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu [mailto:owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu]On Behalf Of rost8@excite.com
Sent: 16. september 2002 10:50
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Subject: simple heat pump

Dear TRNSYS users,
I would like to know, if anyone has made a simple heat pump in Iisibat. Or maybe you have made performing data for the Dual Source heat pump and can send it to me.
I need a heat pump simulation between Supply Air and Exhaust Air. 
So, if anyone has a clue how to simulate this, please let me know. 
Thank you very much,


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