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RE: PV+DCMotor+PUMP problems

I suggest that you use the "debugging" capabilities of Compaq Visual Fortran 6.1. Based on the fact that you are using alltrndf.bat, it sounds like you are not creating a project within the CVF interface that you can then debug one line at a time. This is a very powerful feature of the compiler and well worth spending the time to learn. 
There are detailed instructions for creating a project in the compiler and how to debug it on the TRNSYS website at:
http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys/Fortran/fortran.htm Once you have a project created, you should be able to use the debugger to see what line causes the software to crash.
Also, the warning about interprocedural optimizations is typical and not the cause of your problem.
Nate Blair
Nathan Blair              Phone: 303-462-0237
3130 Benton St.       Cell Phone: 608-239-6053
Wheat Ridge Co  80214
Visit my website!!! = http://sel.me.wisc.edu/blair

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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu [mailto:owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu]On Behalf Of George Kyriakarakos
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:00 PM
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Subject: PV+DCMotor+PUMP problems

I am trying to simulate a PV - DCMotor - Pump system. I have downloaded the fortran files of the DCMotor and the Pump from the official TRNSYS site. I had to change the type number in the DCMotor file cause in TRNSYS 15 number 66 was taken so I changed it to 67. I compiled those files as explaned in the manual, I added them to the link.cvf file and then I ran alltrndf.bat. .When the dcmotor fortran file is passed I get
DF: info: Some interprocedural optimizations may be disabled when compiling into
 separate object files
The prossedure was succeful other than that.
When I load the deck file I get no errors, but after 3-4 minutes TRNSYS program just freezes. I can only force end it through Ctrl+Alt+Del. 
I use TRNSYS 15.03, Compaq Visual fortran 6.1, the pc runs windows 98SE. And as far as hardware is concerned 256MB DDR ram, 1400MHz AMD Athlon Thunderbird cpu on a motherboard with AMD 761 chipset. Can anybody help?
Thank you in advance
George Kyriakarakos