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Re: cnfgtr.trn

Yes I suppose that the problem lies with the setting,(the one in 
File/setting/.. for >DCK) and the other with the Global control card for DCK 
file. while changing the DCK file problem arise. the same is also not mention 
in the manual extensively. Hope you will be able to recomend that too.
I will try chfgtr.trn route.

> Dear TRNSYS Users,
>    It sounds as though there is some confusion about the cnfgtr.trn file. 
> This file contains a number of TRNSYS settings and is read in by trnlib.dll 
> as one of the very first steps in launching a simulation. The trnlib.dll 
> looks for the file in a number of locations. It first looks in the location 
> of the .dck file being run. If it does not find the file there, it then 
> looks in the trnsys root directory (\trnsys15\). If it does not find the 
> file there, then the values contained in cnfgtr.trn are defaulted by the 
> code and the simulation proceeds. The problem that many of you have 
> mentioned this morning is that sometimes when a TRNSYS simulation ends in 
> error, a blank version of the file cnfgtrn.trn has been created and is left 
> behind. The next time a simulation is run, TRNSYS finds the blank file, 
> opens it and tries to read the contents - obviously it does not find what 
> it is looking for and the error is generated.
>    Some of you have mentioned that deleting the cnfgtr.trn file from the 
> project directory solves the problem - more specifically this is because 
> that particular version of the file is empty and has been created as the 
> result of an error. You can also solve the problem by making a copy of the 
> cnfgtr.trn file normally located in the \trnsys15 directory and placing it 
> in the project directory.
> Cheers,
>    David
> Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
> David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
> Project Engineer                           Madison, WI 53719
> Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
> Fax: (608) 278-1475
> E-mail: bradley@tess-inc.com
> Web Page:          www.tess-inc.com
> "Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"
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