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Re: solar distillation with trnsys

Dear Antonio ,
unfortunately I've read only now you e-mail, and so I answer you a bit late. I'm working on solar distillation in the Univesity of Rome, e I've tested some subroutines based on the published models.
I can suggest the following papers :
 Calculation of Hourly output of a Solar Still (V.B. Sharma, S.C. Mullick, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 1994 Vol. 115), based on the Dunkle's model (Dunkle, 1961  "Solar water distillation : the roof type still and a multiple effect distillation still", International Development in Heat Transfer, 1961 International Heat Transfer Conf., Unversity of California, part V, pp. 895-902).
In Rome we are testing some solar still prototypes to verify the accuracy of the models normally used.
If you need more info, don't esitate to contact me directly.
Stefano Esposto
CIRPS - Università "La Sapienza", Roma
Piazza del Colosseo 9
00184, Rome, Italy
Tel. +39-06-772653-201
Fax. +39-06-772653-215
e-mail stefano.esposto@uniroma1.it

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Antonio Palanco 
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu 
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 11:30 AM
Subject: solar distillation with trnsys

Dear TRNSYS users,

I am interested in the field of solar distillation and  would like to know if any of you has carried out any simulation concerning solar stills and solar distillation processes.

Thanks and best regards

Antonio Palanco 


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