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RE: type 138

Dear Bernard,

I am not sure what Type 138 is, but both TESS and Transsolar are selling
non-standard components to simulate ground heat exchangers. TRNSYS Types are
sometimes renamed so you might find "your Type 138" among those non-standard

Please contact TESS or Transsolar directly for further information.

Web: www.tess-inc.com
Email: trnsys@tess-inc.com

Web: www.transsolar.com/ts/english/maineng.htm
Email: hotline@transsolar.com


Michaël Kummert


Michaël Kummert

Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison
1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589
Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464
E-mail: kummert@engr.wisc.edu

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu 
> [mailto:owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu] On Behalf Of Bernard Flament
> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:45
> To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
> Subject: type 138
> Dear collegues,
> I am searching the type 138 model ( ground heat exchangers model). 
> Does anyone know how to get this model?    
> Thanks for your help.
> ___________________________________
> Bernard Flament
> Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries
> 24 Bd de la Victoire
> F 67084 STRASBOURG Cedex
> Tel : 33 .
> fax : 33. 