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More than one Type 45 component
- Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 17:57:08 -0300
- Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 15:59:28 -0600
- From: "Juan Pablo Salazar" <jsalazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: More than one Type 45 component
Dear TRNSYS Users,
I am trying to run a deck with two Type 45 components. I followed instructions given in a previous occasion to Thomaz Borges http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys/MailingList/Archive1999-2002/msg00245.html and made a copy of the Type45.for file, renamed it to Type145.for, renamed its subroutine PIPE to PIPE145 and also changed all occurrences of Type45 (to Type145) in the new Type145.for file. After rebuilding trnlib.dll and running TRNSYS I got the same #103 error, now mentioning TYPE 145!
Where does TRNSYS set the maximum number of each component after all? Is there any way to change these settings?
Best regards,
Juan Pablo de L. C. Salazar