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Re: I need an advice, please

Hi Marco,

I don't think that you can do this with an equation.

However, there's a TYPE which was made exactly for your
purpose : Type 93. You find it under "Utility", "Input value
recall". You just have to connect one of its outputs to your
equation card, and one of your varaibles to one of its inputs.

Hope this helps,

Marco Sangiorgi wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem in my simulation. I have an EQUATION. In this equation I
> calculate a certain value, say X. I calculate a new X at each step of the
> simulation. The problem is that I should keep the old value of X in the same
> equation in order to perform another calculation.
> In other words, in the same EQUATION, at the same time t, I should
> calculate:
> X = X(t)
> diff = X(t) - X(t-1)
> I can't suceed in keeping in memory the value of X at the previous time
> step, that is X(t-1)
> Any suggestion?
> Thank you,
> Marco

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   "Peace, man !" - Bart Simpson