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Re: next timestep

There's a TYPE which was made exactly for your
purpose : Type 93. You find it under "Utility", "Input value
recall". You just have to connect one of its outputs to your
equation card, and one of your varaibles to one of its inputs.

Hope this helps,


dimitra@egi.kth.se wrote:

> Dear Trnsys users,
> Is there any component to recall values of inputs for next timesteps?
> A standard data reader (TYPE 9) gives outputs for the next simulation
> time step. What about if I need values for a number of following
> timesteps? Type 93 is for previous timesteps,
> Isn’t it?
> Looking forward for a reply.
> Regards,
> Dimitra Sakellari
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dimitra Sakellari, M Sc
> Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Energy Technology
> Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration
> S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
> ph: +46 (0)8 790 7455
> fax:+46 (0)8 2030 07
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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