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Re: uninstall

  If the uninstall program isn't working properly, you can remove TRNSYS 14 from your computer simply by deleting the folder \trnwin - which should be on the root of one of your hard drives. If you have the iisibat version of TRNSYS 14.2 then there was a line added to the autoexec.bat file that says:

SET LELISP = x:\trnwin\iisibat2

you can delete that line or leave it - it makes no real difference.
Kind regards,

At 11:45 AM 8/11/2003 +0200, you wrote:
Dear TRNSYS user

I want to uninstall  TRNSYS14 and when i hit in the uninstall program i have a warning saying " unable to locate the installation log file, uninstallation will not continue". Have someone this file? or, How i can uninstall the program properly?

Thanks in advance for the help

Bets regards

Inés Selfa

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
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Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
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