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Re: problem with the time step

At 05:29 PM 8/26/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Into  the  original  program, I used a time step of 0.001h and it delivered
the appropriate results. Under TRNSYS, I declared the internal time step as
a  parameter  and  assigned  it  the same value (0.001h). But it seems that
there  is  a "conflict" between the internal time step and the general time
step  of  simulation.  As a matter of fact, I can't put in the main control
card  a  general time step much bigger than the short internal time step of
the  subroutine. The bigger the ratio between the two values is, the longer
it is to reach the stationary regime of the boiler.
You must have something coded wrong inside of your type. I have written several models that do exactly as you describe and the results are as expected.

I  also tried to use the Diffeq subroutine from the Trnsys library to solve
the differential equations and avoid using an internal time step. Actually,
the  model  does  not  have  the  required  dynamics either. It reaches the
stationary  regime  but  it  takes a time much longer than the model tested
outside TRNSYS.
Have you tried solving the differential equations analytically (or using an approximate analytical solution) inside of the type? I have used that approach several times (most notably inside of our storage tank models) with great result. In fact I was able to run several models at an hourly timestep that failed using the numerical approach when the timestep exceeded about 1/100th of an hour.

So to summarize, you can do exactly as you wish using TRNSYS - but there must be an inconsistency in your type that is causing you problems. I hope this helps....


Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
Jeff Thornton 2916 Marketplace Drive
Principal Suite 104
Phone: (608) 274-2577 Madison WI 53719
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Web Page: www.tess-inc.com

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