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Re: convergence problem

Hi Marco,
You could try to add some inertia to stabilize the solution in the water loop (TYPE31 pipe).
Xavier García Casals
----- Original Message -----
To: Trnsys
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:07 PM
Subject: convergence problem


This process is for cooling a multi-zone building, and it is referred to one zone (repeated once for each zone with different parameters).


1.      I have a dry bulb temperature T and a Humidity Ratio HR for each zone (type 56)

2.      I mix a certain amount of air of the building with outside air (Type 9)

3.      I cool the air mix with an Heat Exchanger (Type 55)

4.      I blow the cooled air mix to the building


q       The psychrometrics and the Equations are just for certain calculations of condensations.

q       I set the FLOW of cool water that flows througth the Heat Exchanger (Type 55) to keep the temperature T of the building within a certain range


This seems easy and sometimes it works fine, but most of times I get errors (I’d reather say “horrors”) like THE INPUTS TO UNITS xx xx xx etc WERE NOT CONVERGED WITHIN THE SPECIFIED TOLERANCE AT TIME =   xx


I don’t know how to deal with it. I tried with both solvers, with the NOCHECK statement, with the backsolving technique, but as I’m not an expert I can’t achieve the convergence.


Referred to the Heat exchanger (Type 55), If I try to control the outlet temperature of the hot side (the air I need to cool) changing the flow of the cold water (cold side inlet flow), I never get a convergence. See picture.


Could somebody please give an advice? Now that the simulation (a hudge simulation) works, would be a pity to leave it because of this error.


Thank you