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RE: run table

Hi Carsten,
This is very recognizable for me. I had the same problem when I used the run table option in TRNSYS. The names of the outputfiles must be the same as the name of your *.dck file. If you want to use several outputfiles, the file extensions (the 3 caracters after the . in a file name) must be different.
I hope this helps.
Maurice Jong,
ECN DEGO, the Netherlands.
-----Original Message-----
From: Student202 [mailto:Student202@ilkdresden.de]
Sent: 17 December 2003 11:32
To: trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Subject: run table

Dear trnsys users,


when I am use the option „run table“ of TRNSHELL I have the problem that in the beginning of each new run the output files from the former run are deleted. I have included five printers type 25c. So my question, what can I do that TRNSYS automatically names the output files as written in the trnshell & trnsed manual with a number of the run in the end?

