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Re: NEWCRD file

  EVALIT and NEWCRD are both routines inside the trnsys kernal. EVALIT is in a file called eval.for and NEWCRD is contained in the file called readin.for.
Kind regards,

At 09:21 AM 1/7/2004 +0300, you wrote:

I'm trying to modify the Type1.for file and to create a new Type solar collector file.
I would like to do this completely outside IISiBat; that means a stand alone project in Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6.
In order to do Build all, I need NEWCRD file and EVALIT(FUNCTION) file.
But these files doesn't exist on my computer.
How can I do?

Thank you,

Carmen Vasile
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Strasbourg
Departement Genie Climatique et Energetique
24 Bd de la Victoire
67084 STRASBOURG Cedex
Tel : ++ 333. poste 4868
Fax : ++ 333.

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Project Engineer                           Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
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