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Fwd: Checking for interest in a UK TRNSYS introductory course

Dear TRNSYS users,

Please find here below an announcement from Jon Hand at the University of Strathclyde. If you are interested in the course, please reply directly to jon@sesg.strath.ac.uk.

Kind regards,

Michaël Kummert

Forwarded message:

IBPSA (Scotland) also known as The Scottish Energy Systems Group (SESG),
in conjunction with the Solar Energy Laboratory of the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, are sending this message to see if there is
sufficient interest to run a TRNSYS introductory course in Glasgow
Scotland in May of 2004.

TRNSYS has an active user community and local expertise in many parts
of the world, but is exceedingly rare in the UK. SESG exists to help
practitioners to make better use of design decision support software.
SESG has used hands-on experience with a tool and access to an
expert/developer to help our members evaluate software and make
informed decisions about simulation tool deployment.

If there is sufficient interest, Michael Kummert of SEL would be
prepared to give a two day introductory course for up to a dozen
participants. The course fee (excluding accommodation) will be 400
Pounds. If the course if fully subscribed the first six SESG members
will get a discounted fee of 275 Pounds. If there are fewer
participants then fewer discounts will be offered.

SESG is discussing with TRNSYS vendors to see if discounts on
the software might be offered to course participants. There is a
tick box in the reply form to mark if you would be interested
in joining such a scheme.

Please have a look at the schedule below and if you have an interest
in attending, please return the form at the bottom of the email to
Jon Hand <jon@sesg.strath.ac.uk>

Proposed course:

Day 1

1. Introduction to TRNSYS (Presentation)
- TRNSYS principles and applications

2. Creating projects using the Visual Interface
- Short presentation + example done by the instructor
and participants

Optional Topics (depending on the interest):

3. Links with other programs
(Presentation + hands-on session)
- Links between TRNSYS and EES, Excel.

4. Creating Stand-alone TRNSYS applications
(Presentation + hands-on session)
- How to create redistributable applications based on TRNSED

Day 2

5. Multizone Building Simulation
- Simple building project
- Short presentation + one example done by the instructor
and participants

Optional topics:

- Multizone building model with integrated COMIS engine
for detailed ventilation studies

- simple tool to simulate 1-zone buildings very quickly

8. Projects (hands-on session)
- Participants work on one chosen projects with the instructor
- Each participant works on her/his project with support from
the instructor

Michaël Kummert graduated as a Mechanical - Electrical Engineer at the
Free University of Brussels. He obtained a PhD in Environmental Sciences
at the FUL (Arlon, Belgium) studying optimal control of passive solar
buildings. He has worked as a consulting engineer for 3E (Brussels),
designing low-energy buildings and active solar systems.
Since November 2001, he is the TRNSYS Coordinator at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison Solar Energy Lab. He contributes to the TRNSYS
development and coordinates the developers team. He is also involved in
user support and he contributes to the TRNSYS education programs. He has
taught beginners and advanced TRNSYS courses in the US, France, Belgium,
Spain and Korea.

The course venue will provide a limited number of computers with
relevant software. Participants will have the option to bring their
own computers and a time-limited version of TRNSYS will be made
available for use during the course.

Reply form (email back to jon@sesg.strath.ac.uk)

[ ] I am interested in the introductory TRNSYS course.
[ ] I would be interested in being notified about other TRNSYS
[ ] I would be interested in joining a UK based TRNSYS group.
[ ] I would be interested in finding out more about possible
software discounts for course participants.
[ ] I would be interested in bringing along my own laptop for
use during the course.

[ ] I am interested in the day-1 Links with other programs
[ ] I am interested in the day-1 Creating TRNSYS applications

[ ] I am interested in the day-2 TRNFLOW option
[ ] I am interested in the day-2 TRNSYSLite option
[ ] I am interested in the day-2 Projects (extended session)
to work on my own model

My preference is during the week of _________ May


