TRNSYS ASHRAE Primary Toolkit Components

Component Descriptions and Fortran Code

Each description code contains a full conceptual outline for the model, as well as an overview of the individual component. Unless otherwise indicated, these TRNSYS components were prepared by Jean-Pascal Bourdouxhe from the University of Liege. Additional information about the ASHRAE Primary Toolkit can be obtained from the ASHRAE Primary Toolkit Manual which can be obtained from ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers. To go to the ASHRAE Homepage, click HERE.

Gas Turbine and Engine Components

1101 Gas Turbine Parameter Identification

1102 Part-Load Regime Gas Turbine

1103 Full-Load Regime Gas Turbine

1104 Gas Engine Parameter Identification

1105 Part-Load Regime Gas Engine

1106 Full-Load Regime Gas Engine

Cooling Tower Components

1107 Cooling Tower Parameter Identification

1108 Cooling Tower Model (HIGH/LOW/OFF Regime)

1109 Cooling Tower Model (ON/OFF Regime)

1110 Cooling Tower Model (Steady-state Regime)

Absorption Chiller Components

1111 Absorption Chiller Parameter Identification

1112 Part-Load Absorption Chiller

1113 Full-Load Absorption Chiller

Centrifugal Chiller Components

1114 Centrifugal Chiller Parameter Identification

1115 Part-Load Centrifugal Chiller

1116 Centrifugal Chiller at Given Unloading Level

1117 Full-Load Centrifugal Chiller

Screw Chiller and Compressor Components

1118 Part-Load Screw Chiller Param. Identification

1119 Part-Load Screw Compressor Param. Identification

1120 Full or Part-Load Screw Chiller

1121 Part-Load Screw Chiller

1122 Full-Load Screw Chiller Param. Identification

1123 Full-Load Screw Compressor Param. Identification

1124 Full-Load Screw Chiller

Reciprocating Compressor and Chiller Components

1125 Part-Load Reciprocating Chiller Param. Identification

1126 Part Load Parameter ID for Chiller; adapted by Marc Nott 1994

1127 Part-Load Recip. Compressor Param. Identification

1128 Part Load Parameter ID for Compressor; adapted by Marc Nott

1129 Part Load Chiller with Reciprocating Compressor; adapted by Marc Nott 1994

1130 Part-Load Reciprocating Chiller

1131 Recip. Chiller w/ Given Num. of Unloaded Cylinders in Continuous Regime

1132 Full-Load Complete Recip. Chiller Param. ID (Also 1134)

1133 Full Load Chiller with Reciprocating Compressor; adapted by Marc Nott 1994

1134 Full-Load Complete Recip. Chiller Param. ID (Also 1132)

1135 Full Load Parameter ID for Chiller; adapted by Marc Nott 1994

1136 Full-Load Compressor Alone Parameter Identification (Also 1137)

1137 Full-Load Compressor Alone Parameter Identification (Also 1136)

1138 Steady-State Chiller Model with no Unloaded Cylinders (Also need 1139)

1139 Steady-State Chiller Model with no Unloaded Cylinders (Also need 1138)

Boiler Components

1140 Gas-Water and Water-Ambient Heat Transfer Coefficients

1141 Gas-Water Transfer Coeff. Parameter Identification

1142 Boiler Model submitted to a Certain Demand

1143 Boiler in Steady-State Regime

1144 Adiabatic Combustion Chamber Model