TYPE 186 - SERPENTINE COLLECTOR This Type models a serpentine collector with N rows of parallel tubes. Below are listed the PARAMETERS, INPUTS and OUTPUTS for the collector model. As a number of the inputs require temperature dependent properties of the fluid to be known, Type188 was written to provide such data and can be used in conjunction with this Type. PARAMETERS DESCRIPTION 1 N number of turns 2 D_i inner tube diameter (m) 3 D outer tube diameter (m) 4 delta plate thickness (m) 5 L length of each turn (m) 6 W tube spacing (m) 7 k plate conductivity (kJ/m^2-K) 8 U_be loss coefficient from back and edge of collector per unit aperture area (kJ/m^2-K) 9 E_p absorber plate emmitance 10 Alpha absorber plate absorptance 11 N_G number of glass covers 12 RefInd refractive index of glass covers 13 XKL product of extinction coefficient and thickness of cover plates (m/m) INPUTS DESCRIPTION 1 T_in temperature of fluid entering collector (C) 2 m_dot mass flowrate of fluid entering collector (kg/hr) 3 T_a abient temperature of collector surroundings (C) 4 I_T Radiation incident on collector surface (kJ/hr-m^2) 5 wind wind speed (m/s) 6 I_h total radiation on horizontal surface (kJ/hr-m^2) 7 I_d diffuse radiation on horizontal surface (kJ/hr-m^2) 8 rho_g ground reflectance 9 theta incidence angle of beam radiation (degrees) 10 beta collector slope (degrees) 11 mu dynamic viscosity (N-s/m^2) 12 C_p specific heat of collector fluid (kJ/kg-K) 13 kw fluid thermal conductivity (kJ/hr-m^2) 14 rho fluid density (kg/m^3) OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION 1 T_out temperature of fluid exiting collector (C) 2 m_dot mass flowrate of fluid exiting collector (kg/hr) 3 Q_useful rate of energy gain from collector (kJ/hr) 4 T_pm mean absorber plate temperature (C) 5 F_R collector heat removal factor 6 TauAlpha transmittance-absorbtance product 7 P_loss pressure loss (kPa) 8 U_L overall heat loss coefficient (kJ/hr-m^2)