Kant, K.; Kumar, A.; Mullick, S.C.
January 2001
Building and Environment, vol 36-1, p. 15-25
The article examines the possibility of space conditioning the interiors of a multistorey office building in Delhi using evaporative cooling in the summer months of April, May and June. The temperature and humidity conditions obtained in a room of the building with direct evaporative cooling are studied by simulation. In this case study, the room is assumed to have a south-facing wall with a window and all other walls, ceiling and floor are interior partitions. The effect of number of air-changes per hour (ACH) from 1 to 40 and fresh-air bypass factor (BPF) 0% to 100% on performance is studied by simulation. The aim is to find whether some combination of ACH and BPF succeeds in keeping room conditions below 80% RH and temperatures between 27 and 31°C, depending on RH. It is found that the desired results are achieved by keeping the ACH and the BPF within certain limits depending on weather conditions. If the temperature and relative humidity of the ambient air are too high then a direct evaporative cooler cannot achieve comfort in the room. Appropriate combinations of ACH and BPF have to be selected to obtain the best results.
Source: www.sciencedirect.com