A simple model for assessing the energy performance of windows

Karlsson, J.; Karlsson, B.; Roos, A.
September 2001

Energy and Buildings, vol 33-7, p. 641-651

A simple model for the annual energy balance of the window taking solar radiation and heat losses into consideration has been further developed and analyzed. Hourly meteorological data for the solar irradiation and the outside temperature are used together with the optical and thermal performance of the window to evaluate the net energy heat flow through a window. The model renders a very simple way to compare different advanced windows in different geographical locations, orientations and buildings using basically only the balance temperature as building input. The energy balance and the cost efficiency for several glazing combinations are evaluated for buildings with different balance temperatures in a typical mid-Swedish climate. This model has a potential to be used for energy rating of windows.

Source: www.sciencedirect.com