Platz, R.
July 1997
Fuel and Energy Abstracts, vol 38-4, p. 243
Results on a-Si:H/a-Si:H stacked cells deposited in a single-chamber reactor by the very high frequency-glow discharge (VHF-GD) deposition technique at 70 MHz are presented. Regarding the stacked cell design, experimentation and simulation indicate the importance of careful adjustment to the current mismatch between the component cells in order to obtain a slight top-cell-limited behavior after degradation. An a-Si:H/a-Si:H stacked cell with an initial efficiency of 9.8% showing only 8% relative degradation is introduced. A stabilized efficiency of 9% is therefore attained. Consequently, it is possible to make highly efficient stacked cells showing good stability in a single-chamber system, employing the VHF technique for higher rates.