Martnez, P.J.; Pinazo, J.M.
August 2002
International Journal of Refrigeration, vol 25-5, p. 634-639
The lack of understanding of the processes taking place in some of the elements of absorption machines, as the absorber, typically results in using security values for the overall heat transfer coefficients at the design process and consequently producing oversized heat exchangers. In this study, a statistical method was employed in order to improve the design of a lithium bromide-water single effect absorption chiller. This method was based on reliable values of heat transfer coefficients and areas for the components integrating the machine. Experimental designs and variance analysis were used to measure the effects the variation of the heat exchangers areas had on the performance of an absorption machine. The conclusions extracted from this study will allow a redistribution of the total heat transfer area among the heat exchangers, which will in turn result in a significant improvement of the COP. Cooling capacity, external flow rates and design temperatures were kept constant and used as input data for the design process.