Lottner, V.; Schulz, M.E.; Hahne, E.
January 2000
Solar Energy, vol 69-6, p. 449-459
Within the 10 year Programme "Solarthermie-2000" of the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology (BMWi), large-scale solar-assisted heating plants have been funded in Germany. Long-term monitoring programmes are carried out to prove the technical and economic feasibility of various solar system concepts with and without seasonal storage. The paper presents a summary and review of the present status and results of the activities in the Programme. Long-term monitoring programmes have shown that the design data of the solar plants can be achieved if realistic assumptions are made. The main obstacle for the implementation of the concepts on a broader scale without public subsidies is the high investment costs of the solar systems. The main goal of the Programme is the further improvement of the cost-effectiveness of the solar concepts.
Source: www.sciencedirect.com