Athienitis, A.K.; Ramadan, H.
July 1999
Solar Energy, vol 67-1, p. 101-109
An explicit finite difference simulation model is developed to study the thermal performance of an outdoor test-room with one transparently insulated (TI) wall. The thermal behavior of the room is examined under different control strategies for the shading device and for air flow through the TI wall to the room. Simulation results indicate significant energy savings with practically no auxiliary heating required on cold sunny days in Montreal. However, appropriate control strategies are required to prevent overheating of the room and discomfort. Air flow through the TI wall and then into the room succeeds in lowering its room surface temperature to less than 31°C and reducing to zero the auxiliary heating required on any clear day. Blind control is based on several criteria, including outside temperature, room-facing surface temperature of TI wall (not to exceed 29°C) and room air temperature not to exceed a certain maximum.