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Re: link


Can you tell us what the error message you get is?  This problem could be
due to many different reasons.  Can you link other Fortran programs?  Also,
have you changed anything about the computer or the location of the TRNWIN
directory?  What Fortran compiler are you using?

Nathan Blair

At 03:46 PM 4/14/00 +0200, you wrote:
> Hello dear TRNSYS users, 
>I am working with TRNSYS 14.2 on a computer running Windows 95. My problem
>is that I cannot executate anymore "LINK @LINK.FP4" (I have tried to
>reinstall TRNSYS and FORTRAN but it didn't changed).
>Does anybody have a solution for this problem ?
>Thank you for your help , Gilles Fraisse