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Re: Measuring albedo

>What practical methods are people using to measure or estimate albedo for
>their modelling?

If you want to easily measure an albedo, you best take a pyranometer which
you first have facing the sky (measure of incident radiation), than the
ground (measure of reflected radiation). The ratio gives the albedo. If you
measure close to the ground it is a local value, if you go higher you get a
global value.

Pierre Hollmuller
CUEPE (Centre universitaire d'etude des problemes de l'energie)
Universite de Geneve
Batelle batiment A
7 rte de Drize
CH - 1227 Carouge

tel: (+41) 22 / 705 9649
fax: (+41) 22 / 705 9639
e-mail: pierre.hollmuller@cuepe.unige.ch