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Re: TRNSYs 14.2 and Windows2000 -> Error Message


it could well be that you have too much memory. IISiBat 2 not being designed
for Windows 2000, functions checking the available memory may be confused
by some overflow. Since IISiBat 2 was replaced by IISiBat 3 and is no longer
maintained, I have no possibility of checkng this, though.

You could try changing the Windows fonts and font size (between small
and large), hopeing that in one case the kernel doesn't attempt to load additional
fonts). Number of screen coulors and resolution may make a difference, too.

The official, propper solution is of course to upgrade to TRNSYS 15 with
IISiBat 3. Or to downgrade to Windows NT 4, 95 or 98.


Alfred Haider wrote:


Sorry, if this mail came twice. But I have trouble with my e-mailserver and I
don't know if the first mail was send.

I have a Problem with TRNSYS and W2k.
If i try to open "TRNSYS 14.2 w. IISiBat" under Windows2000, I got a error
message "get_fonts - Insufficient memory".
The entry "SET LELISP=f:\trnwin\iisibat2" is in the autoexec.bat"
I have 256mb-ram.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem and can help me?
I need it to finish my degree dissertation.
Thanks for your help

        Alfred Haider

Alfred Haider / Munich / Germany
E-Mail: alfred.haider@clouseau.org
PGP: http://pgp.zdv.uni-mainz.de:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9EB127A5

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