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TRNSYs 14.2 and Windows2000 -> Error Message


Sorry, if this mail came twice. But I have trouble with my e-mailserver and I
don't know if the first mail was send.

I have a Problem with TRNSYS and W2k.
If i try to open "TRNSYS 14.2 w. IISiBat" under Windows2000, I got a error
message "get_fonts - Insufficient memory".
The entry "SET LELISP=f:\trnwin\iisibat2" is in the autoexec.bat"
I have 256mb-ram.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem and can help me?
I need it to finish my degree dissertation.
Thanks for your help

	Alfred Haider

Alfred Haider / Munich / Germany 
E-Mail: alfred.haider@clouseau.org 
PGP: http://pgp.zdv.uni-mainz.de:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9EB127A5

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