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Re: S array?

Hello ,
I already used S array a few years ago. I used S(ISTORE+i)= ...  with
I had firstly the same problems as you. But I managed to use it correctly
with the TRNSYS' manual. Be careful with the number of the unit (check the
values using info(1)) for each value of info(7)   (=0 AND >0)
Check all the values of the S array too.

Good luck

PS  Now I prefer to store my variables (when I have several identical
TYPEs) in a table(info(1),i) where info(1) is the number of the unit in
dck. You just have to write at the begening of your TYPE : table(99,N).
Like that the parameters of your components are OK. If someone has a better
solution , I m very interested

At 18:18 19/06/00 +0700, you wrote:
>I try to make a new subroutine to model a Laten heat thermal storage. 
>this component has a S array to store the value of solid mass inside the
>In my deck file, I use 2 (two) component of this type.
>The problem.... they always (the two component) always have the same value
>at the end of time step/simulation.
>Does anybody know how must I do ?