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TRNSYS update

Dear TRNSYS users,
	We've made a few modifications to TRNSYS version 15 which are now
available and can be downloaded from the registered user website. Below is
a list of the changes in this update.

1. Bug fix to Type 9: if a data file had to be rewound during a simulation
and the user was doing a formatted read (last PARAMETER > 0) and there were
header lines in the data file to be skipped, then the simulation crashed
after rewinding the data because the headerlines weren't being skipped the
second time through.

2. Bug fix to Type 9: if Type 9 was set to mode 1 (first line of data
corresponds to simulation start time) and was a formatted read (last
PARAMETER > 0) and the data file had header lines, then the sim gave a file
reading error because type9 wasn't skipping the header lines.

3. New feature in Type 28: In simulaitons lasting longer than 1 year, Type
28 was not designed to provide sums after each year, only at the end of the
simulation. You dont want to write a sum after every December because you
might be running a one year simulation from July 1 to June 30. Since,
however long you run a simulation in which results are printed monthly, the
Type28 results are grouped by 12s, I added a statement that provides SUMS
after every group. 

4. TRNSYS 15 help files. Typeindx.hlp, trnsed.hlp, trnshell.hlp and error.hlp.

1500 Engineering Drive		ph: +1 608 263 1589
Madison, WI				fax: +1 608 262 8464
URL: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys