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Re: Operative temperature in a house with Solar Floor heating and PCM in floor

As part of TRNSYS 15, Transsolar added a floor heating model directly into
Type56 - you might contact them directly for specifics of the model to see
if it will suit your purpose. There are also a number of floor heating
types which operate seperate from the building model.

At 03:15 PM 2/5/01 +0100, bengt.perers@utveckling.vattenfall.se wrote:
>I just wanted to ask if anybody already has done some work on Solar floor
>heating (pipe system in floor) including PCM (latent heat) materials in the
>Our main question now is to investigate how much the operative temperature
>(as felt by a human) is affected due to the large variations in solar input
>day by day.
>Before starting to programme or modify a house model in TRNSYS with PCM
>option included, I wanted to check if that may already be available 
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