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Re: Error reporting

Hi Ronny,

thank you for reporting this problem.

A faster way to fix it (if you don't want to reconnect everything) is
- either change the variable unit to "string" (then you can type anything)
- or use "Edit/Replace" after modifying the PROFORMA

We'll still put the problem on our buglist, of course.


Ronny Glöckner wrote:

> Hi there!
> If you select a component which is already placed in a project and choose
> inputs. Then you might experience that you cannot change the input value. It
> keeps changing back to default. This happens only with those inputs which
> have a range of "something" to "+inf". If you alter the proforma of this
> component and set new boundaries for the input to some real number (say
> 100000 instead of "+inf", then one may always alter the value when it is
> reinserted in a project.
> This has been my painful experience. Everytime this has occured I have had
> to change the proforma like stated above and then reinsert and reinstall all
> connections to be able to change the troublesome inputs.
> Yours sincerely
> Ronny Glöckner

  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Project Manager
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