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Re: This is BIDWIN

On 16.05.2001 08:31:13 "Anil Kumar Misra"  wrote:
>I am not able to successfully create BLD and TRN files from BIDWIN. Only
>blank files are created, and the INF files contains no error.
>these 3 files are created successfully when I run the "building.bui"
>distributed with the package, but after making a single small change in
>file (e.g. changing the outputs to default), I again get blank
>and BUILDING.TRN files.

Dear Anil Misra,

I've had similar problem and I got rid of it by editing bui-file manually.
An emply line is needed in the end of BUI-file (after END-statement).

I've used PREPID to write my BUI-files and those BUI-files does not
(always?) have an empty line in the end, so BIDWIN does not understand
them. I don't know if this is fixed in TRNSYS 15-version, but it took some
time to locate the problem in 14.2-version, because there was no error

I hope this was helpful.

Best regards,

Sami Karjalainen
VTT Building and Transport